PCS Year End: 30th April 2024 – You can still Upload Credits
Please note you can still upload valid credits for the PCS term 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024. We would ask that you update and record your activities on or before Monday 3rd June 2024.
Please note that the requirements for the PCS year 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024 is that you are required to reach a total of 40 CPD credits and complete one Clinical/Practice Audit. The 40 CPD credits can be recorded in any of the Categories (External/Internal/Personal Learning / Research or Teaching).
You should now login to your PCS profile and review your credits.
If you have not:
- Identified and recorded additional credits that bring your total credits to the minimum level required, 40 CPD credits
- Completed one Clinical/Practice Audit
then it would be appropriate, when you complete the Annual Retention Form (ARF) with the Medical Council, to tick NO to statement 2 “I have achieved the annual minimum CPD requirements for the Scheme Year 2023 / 24 [YES/NO] “