Feature Article
Dear Examiner,

I write on behalf of the RCSI Court of Examiners to highlight the opportunity for the College’s MRCS Clinical Examiners to become involved in FRCS Examiner Panels in the following specialties:


  1. Cardiothoracic Surgery
  2. General Surgery
  3. Neurosurgery
  4. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  5. Otolarygngology
  6. Paediatric Surgery
  7. Plastic Surgery
  8. Trauma & Orthopaediatric Surgery
  9. Urology
  10. Vascular Surgery


This is an excellent opportunity for active MRCS Clinical Examiners to support the assessment of trainees exiting specialty training in Ireland and the UK, and to network with other colleagues in their specialty.


The Court’s Executive Committee would be interested to hear from prospective FRCS Examiners. If you would like to explore this further, I would ask you to email my colleague Mr Paul Nolan at examiners@rcsi.ie. Paul will provide you with any additional information required.



Yours Sincerely,



Mr Eamon Mackle

Chair, RCSI Court of Examiners