Brand-new 2023 brochure - Master of Surgery (MCh) by Module
2023 intake

Learn more about RCSI’s flexible and hybrid postgraduate academic programme in surgery which has been designed to support the career development needs of non-consultant health doctors at all levels.

Please note that RCSI have recently launched their brand-new Master of Surgery (MCh) by Module brochure for 2023 intake. Interested candidates can view the new brochure here.

This programme greatly benefits medical graduates planning a surgical career in obtaining a higher degree in surgery. This programme can be undertaken before, during or on completion of a structured surgical training programme.

Please email if you have any queries about our full-time and part-time Master of Surgery (MCh) by Module programmes in relation to 2023 intake. Please email in relation to information about additional funding for this programme.

Kind regards,

RCSI Surgery


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