Reminder: PCS Requirements 2023 - 2024
The Medical Council has stated that for the Professional Competence Year beginning on 1 May 2023 and ending on 30 April 2024, doctors are required to undertake and record the following activity:
- 40 CPD credits (in any category: External, Internal, Personal Learning, Research or Teaching); and
- One Clinical / Practice Audit
We wish to highlight that the PCS portal has not been updated / changed to reflect the above PCS interim requirements and therefore when you record the minimum requirement (40 cpd credits) and complete one clinical / practice Audit for this PCS year, your portfolio will indicate that you are ‘not on target’. However, please note that by recording 40 CPD credits in any category and one clinical /practice Audit you are ON TARGET with interim requirements for this PCS year.
If you require further advice on the operation of the Professional Competence Scheme or support in meeting the requirements, please contact us at ( or consult our website.