It is now time to remind you to renew your Professional Competence Scheme enrolment for the new PCS Year commencing 1st May 2024 - 30th April 2025.
We wish to remind you to renew your Professional Competence Scheme enrolment for the new PCS Year commencing 1st May 2024 - 30th April 2025. The Medical Council registration retention form advises doctors that they must pay their PCS enrolment fee for 2024 – 2025 prior to retaining their registration with the Medical Council
Doctors will also be required to indicate on the retention form which Postgraduate Training Body they have enrolled on PCS with and declare that they have paid their enrolment fee for their PCS.
This means that you must now pay your PCS enrolment fee for PCS year 2024 – 2025 prior to retaining your registration with the Medical Council in June 2024.
If you are no longer on the Supervised, General, or Specialist section of the (Irish) Medical Council’s Register please notify this office by email as this will allow us update our records and ensure that you do not receive unnecessary communication in relation to the PCS
Re-enrol by paying your fee online using your credit card click HERE
Fellows and Members of RCSI who practice in the Republic of Ireland and pay their Fellowship/Membership subscription are entitled to a discount on their PCS . To avail of a discount on your PCS fee for 2024, you must make payment of your RCSI annual subscription FIRST through the new Fellows and Members Portal. Once you have made payment of your RCSI annual subscription, when you log into your PCS Portal, the discounted PCS amount will automatically be applied.
If you have any difficulty with this, please do not hesitate to contact the PCS office at
Please note you can still upload valid credits for the PCS term 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024.
Please note you can still upload valid credits for the PCS term 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024. We would ask that you update and record your activities on or before Monday 3rd June 2024.
Please note that the requirements for the PCS year 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024 is that you are required to reach a total of 40 CPD credits and complete one Clinical/Practice Audit. The 40 CPD credits can be recorded in any of the Categories (External/Internal/Personal Learning / Research or Teaching).
You should now login to your PCS profile and review your credits.
If you have not:
Identified and recorded additional credits that bring your total credits to the minimum level required, 40 CPD credits
Completed one Clinical/Practice Audit
then it would be appropriate, when you complete the Annual Retention Form (ARF) with the Medical Council, to tick NO to statement 2 “I have achieved the annual minimum CPD requirements for the Scheme Year 2023 / 24 [YES/NO] “
Please note that the 2024/25 Professional Competence Scheme Year, the following applies:
For the 2024/25 Professional Competence Scheme Year the following applies:
Doctors are required to record 40 CPD credits. These 40 cpd credis can be recorded in any CPD category (external, internal, personal learning, research/teaching). CPD targets for each category do not apply for 2024/25
Complete one clinical / practice Audit
RCSI continue to encourage you to take a broader approach, where it is possible to do so, to ensure you participate in at least 20 hours of external activities (these can be online courses / seminars / conferences / webinars etc) , participate and record your attendance at 20 hours of hospital based events like Grand Rounds, MDTs and quality improvement activities (even if these are by web conference). You should continue to read, particularly the key journals for your specialty, and record your reading under the personal learning category.
We ask that you reflect on your own practice (including the lessons from audit), consult with your peers or consultant colleague, and plan your Professional Development needs early in the PCS year.
Please clickHEREfor the Professional Development Plan (PDP) template and we encourage you to complete this and upload the completed plan to your PCS portfolio and claim the relevant CPD credits.
Creating a PDP at the beginning of each Professional Competence Scheme year encourages you to plan your activities during the year and to set out goals for your personal development.
Professional Development Plan
Creating a PDP at the beginning of each Professional Competence Scheme year encourages you to plan your activities during the year and to set out goals for your personal development. It can also be used to reflect on and monitor your progress during the year. The aim of creating a Professional Development Plan (PDP) is to document a process of self-analysis and set new and clearly definable educational goals for yourself in advance of the Professional Competence Scheme each year.
It is not currently compulsory to complete a Professional Development Plan, however it is recommended that you do so.
Complete your Professional Development Plan and claim two CPD credits in the Internal Category
Having completed your PDP you may choose to review it with a professional colleague and you may each claim one CPD Credit in the Internal Category
At the end of the year (April 30th), you should review your PDP and assess whether you have met your goals. You may claim one CPD credit in the Internal Category for reviewing your PDP at the end of the year.
RCSI will commence this Verification Process in June 2024 where we will randomly select doctors to participate in this process for the year 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024.
RCSI will commence this Verification Process in June 2024 where we will randomly select doctors to participate in this process for the year 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024. Please be aware that as part of the Arrangement with the Medical Council, the Training Bodies are required to undertake a verification of activities recorded by 3-5% of doctors enrolled on the Professional Competence Scheme. RCSI will commence this Verification Process in June 2024 where we will randomly select doctors to participate in this process for the year 1st May 2023 – 30th April 2024. This process will involve checking the activities that have been uploaded to a doctor’s PCS portfolio and the CPD credits assigned to each activity. This is a supportive exercise and provides support to assist doctors in meeting the PCS requirements. The Medical Council have indicated that doctors will be asked to make a declaration about their maintenance of professional competence during the July 2024 annual retention process.
The Medical Council requires that records are kept for a period of six years, (current PCS year plus previous five years), to fulfil obligations under the MPA 200.
The Medical Council requires that records are kept for a period of six years, (current PCS year plus previous five years), to fulfil obligations under the MPA 200. GDPR places significant obligations on organisations in relation to the processing of personal data and the data protection principles are a set of rules, which we must follow to ensure that we are processing personal data in accordance with the law.
According to these principles, RCSI Professional Competence Scheme, must only collect, use and store the personal data it requires to fulfil the legitimate business purposes that it has identified. In order to ensure that it is complying with the principle of Data Minimisation, this requires us to identify the minimum amount of personal data needed to properly fulfil the business purpose. We should collect and hold no more than this minimum amount.
Furthermore, under the principle of Storage Limitation, we are required to hold personal data no longer than necessary for the purpose by which it was obtained. Ensuring personal data is disposed of when no longer needed, helps to reduce the risk that it will become inaccurate, out of date or irrelevant.
With this in mind, RCSI PCS will shortly be contacting all registered medical practitioners who have records older than six years on their PCS portfolio – that is all records from PCS year 1st May 2018 – 30th April 2019 will be deleted on Friday 19th July 2024
We ask that if you want to retain any of your records we would encourage you to login to your portfolio and review your personal data stored by RCSI Professional Competence Scheme, and download these documents. Please click HERE for Guidelines on How to Download your documents / records and retain elsewhere.
Should you have any queries, please contact Marie O'Boyle at the PCS Office
On Monday, 8 July 2024 the CPD Support Scheme 2024-25 will be open for enrolment. Non consultant hospital doctors working in public hospitals that are not enrolled in a formal training scheme can avail of 3 full day courses free of charge or maximum of 20 CPD credits per year if they enrol in our CPD Support Scheme 2024-25
On Monday, 8 July 2024 the CPD Support Scheme 2024-25 will be open for enrolment. Non consultant hospital doctors working in public hospitals that are not enrolled in a formal training scheme can avail of 3 full day courses free of charge or maximum of 20 CPD credits per year if they enrol in our CPD Support Scheme 2024-25
Save the date – RCSI Millin Meeting 2024 is taking place on Friday, 8 November 2024
Millin Meeting 2024
Theme: How patient involvement improves surgical research.
Focus on Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research.
The importance of including the patients voice in developing relevant research questions
Surgical Trial presentations- x 3 Invited Investigators (7min each) -21 min
Patient Orientated Research presentations x 3 Invited investigators (successful awardees of the NSRSC-PPI call) who are conducting Trials/studies to talk about how patients helped shape/direct their research (eg Core Outcome Set development/ SWATs) (21 min)
Surgical Research Speakers selected from submitted abstracts x 5 ( 7 mins each) 1st place NSRSC medal 35 mins
10.30 -11.00 Break & poster viewing
How to involve patients in surgical research
Derek Mitchel- IPPOSI
Michelle O Toole-PPI-Ignite
Member of the PPI committee or patient to talk about their involvement in trial (x1 or 2?)
How the NSRSC can support PPI research
Keynote: Dr Ori Rotstein : proposed title / guide for talk:
The Patient as a teacher to discuss his project about the program
Register today – The 4th National Human Factors in Patient Safety Conference – Friday, 25 October 2024
Theme: Thinking Outside the Box in Healthcare
The 4th National Human Factors in Patient Safety conference will bring together a community of Human Factors in Patient Safety advocates across Ireland and abroad. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and insights from Human Factors experts.
We are delighted to invite you to our annual Human Factors in Patient Safety Conference which will include contributions from:
Dr Helen Bevan, OBE – Professor of Practice in Health and Care, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick - Rocking the boat while staying in it: How to make change happen and not get wet
Dr Dale Whelehan – Behaviour Scientist, CEO, 4 Day Week Global – Bringing 4 to the fore, Why the 4 Day Week is better for everyone in healthcare
Chair – Professor Eva Doherty Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety –Panel Discussion
Please note that our conference will be hybrid (Face to face and online).
The Basic Surgical Principles and Practice Certificate (BSPP) for SHO’s has been specifically designed for surgical doctors who are not currently on a formal surgical training programme.
Calling all SHO’s in Surgery – Register your interest - Basic Surgical Principles and Practice Certificate
The Basic Surgical Principles and Practice Certificate (BSPP) for SHO’s has been specifically designed for surgical doctors who are not currently on a formal surgical training programme. This is a one-year programme delivered between September 2024 and June 2025.
This programme also utilises a fully on-line approach to teaching. The predominate teaching methodology will be through Moodle. Technical skills training will be delivered face to face on campus.
Most of the on-line sessions will be live (synchronous) with Faculty present in the class and some classes will be previously recorded (asynchronous) followed by a live question and answer session.
The MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice is open to all non-consultant health doctors in Ireland within non-surgical specialities
Applications closing soon – Register today for our MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice – September 2024 intake
The MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice is open to all non-consultant health doctors in Ireland within non-surgical specialities such as radiology, anaesthesiology, general practice, emergency medicine, pathology, public health, occupational health, and all general medical specialties.
The RCSI Sustainability Principles and Practice in Surgery document acts as a road-map for the multi-disciplinary surgical team across the 3 pillars of sustainability - social, environmental and financial in reducing the carbon footprint of surgical care.
Act now to power-down the Surgical Suite and deliver sustainable surgical care to our patients
The RCSI Sustainability Principles and Practice in Surgery document acts as a road-map for the multi-disciplinary surgical team across the 3 pillars of sustainability - social, environmental and financial in reducing the carbon footprint of surgical care.
The surgical suite is a carbon hotspot within the hospital setting. Together we can “Act Now” to deliver net zero safe surgical care by 2050.