Feature Article
Dear examiner,

Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year. We trust that you are keeping safe and well during these very difficult times.


As you will be aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted considerably on the delivery of both MRCS Part A and MRCS Part B examinations.


We hope, in the foreseeable future, to be able to resume the delivery of all MRCS examinations at RCSI centres across Ireland, the Middle East and South East Asia. Of course our overriding concern in planning for new exam diets will be to protect the safety and the well-being of our exam candidates, our examiners and our staff.


RCSI is working very closely with intercollegiate partners in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London to come up with alternative delivery models for the Part A and Part B, which will ensure that the exams are delivered in a manner reflective of local public health guidelines while at the same time maintaining examination standards.


In order to keep you informed on developments here, we are hoping to update contact information for all examiners on the RCSI Court of Examiners database. We would greatly appreciate if you could complete the short survey below so that we can update your details.




We will keep in touch here in coming months. In the meantime, should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at this email address.


Best Wishes,

Court of Examiners, RCSI